- OTS http://www.opentibiaserver.pun.pl/index.php - Skrypty http://www.opentibiaserver.pun.pl/viewforum.php?id=11 - [8.10] MageBomb Skrypt. http://www.opentibiaserver.pun.pl/viewtopic.php?id=10 |
BoczeQ - 2008-08-16 13:03:00 |
Tutaj Macie Filmik Jak Wygląda Skrypt W Akcji . Kod:--MageBomb Action-- --Credits to Me!(SamDaMan_013) Gorgaz, Duda1992 and Tezexa-- function onStepIn(cid, item, pos) -- options local bomb = {x=1047, y=1216, z=7, stackpos=253} local bomb2 = {x=1047, y=1217, z=7, stackpos=253} local bomb3 = {x=1047, y=1218, z=7, stackpos=253} local bomb4 = {x=1047, y=1219, z=7, stackpos=253} local bomb5 = {x=1047, y=1220, z=7, stackpos=253} local bomb6 = {x=1047, y=1221, z=7, stackpos=253} local bomb7 = {x=1052, y=1216, z=7, stackpos=253} local bomb8 = {x=1052, y=1217, z=7, stackpos=253} local bomb9 = {x=1052, y=1218, z=7, stackpos=253} local bomb10 = {x=1052, y=1219, z=7, stackpos=253} local bomb11 = {x=1052, y=1220, z=7, stackpos=253} local bomb12 = {x=1052, y=1221, z=7, stackpos=253} local bomb13 = {x=1048, y=1215, z=7, stackpos=253} local bomb14 = {x=1049, y=1215, z=7, stackpos=253} local bomb15 = {x=1049, y=1221, z=7, stackpos=253} local bomb16 = {x=1051, y=1221, z=7, stackpos=253} local bombpos = getThingfromPos(bomb) local bomb2pos = getThingfromPos(bomb2) local bomb3pos = getThingfromPos(bomb3) local bomb4pos = getThingfromPos(bomb4) local bomb5pos = getThingfromPos(bomb5) local bomb6pos = getThingfromPos(bomb6) local bomb7pos = getThingfromPos(bomb7) local bomb8pos = getThingfromPos(bomb8) local bomb9pos = getThingfromPos(bomb9) local bomb10pos = getThingfromPos(bomb10) local bomb11pos = getThingfromPos(bomb11) local bomb12pos = getThingfromPos(bomb12) local bomb13pos = getThingfromPos(bomb13) local bomb14pos = getThingfromPos(bomb14) local bomb15pos = getThingfromPos(bomb15) local bomb16pos = getThingfromPos(bomb16) -- end options if(item.actionid == 764) then if isPlayer(cid) == 1 then doSummonCreature("Mage Bomb", bomb) doSummonCreature("Mage Bomb", bomb2) doSummonCreature("Mage Bomb", bomb3) doSummonCreature("Mage Bomb", bomb4) doSummonCreature("Mage Bomb", bomb5) doSummonCreature("Mage Bomb", bomb6) doSummonCreature("Mage Bomb", bomb7) doSummonCreature("Mage Bomb", bomb8) doSummonCreature("Mage Bomb", bomb9) doSummonCreature("Mage Bomb", bomb10) doSummonCreature("Mage Bomb", bomb11) doSummonCreature("Mage Bomb", bomb12) doSummonCreature("Mage Bomb", bomb13) doSummonCreature("Mage Bomb", bomb14) doSummonCreature("Mage Bomb", bomb15) doSummonCreature("Mage Bomb", bomb16) end end return 1 end function onStepOut(cid, item, pos) -- options (all like up) local bomb = {x=1047, y=1216, z=7, stackpos=253} local bomb2 = {x=1047, y=1217, z=7, stackpos=253} local bomb3 = {x=1047, y=1218, z=7, stackpos=253} local bomb4 = {x=1047, y=1219, z=7, stackpos=253} local bomb5 = {x=1047, y=1220, z=7, stackpos=253} local bomb6 = {x=1047, y=1221, z=7, stackpos=253} local bomb7 = {x=1052, y=1216, z=7, stackpos=253} local bomb8 = {x=1052, y=1217, z=7, stackpos=253} local bomb9 = {x=1052, y=1218, z=7, stackpos=253} local bomb10 = {x=1052, y=1219, z=7, stackpos=253} local bomb11 = {x=1052, y=1220, z=7, stackpos=253} local bomb12 = {x=1052, y=1221, z=7, stackpos=253} local bomb13 = {x=1048, y=1215, z=7, stackpos=253} local bomb14 = {x=1049, y=1215, z=7, stackpos=253} local bomb15 = {x=1049, y=1221, z=7, stackpos=253} local bomb16 = {x=1051, y=1221, z=7, stackpos=253} local bombpos = getThingfromPos(bomb) local bomb2pos = getThingfromPos(bomb2) local bomb3pos = getThingfromPos(bomb3) local bomb4pos = getThingfromPos(bomb4) local bomb5pos = getThingfromPos(bomb5) local bomb6pos = getThingfromPos(bomb6) local bomb7pos = getThingfromPos(bomb7) local bomb8pos = getThingfromPos(bomb8) local bomb9pos = getThingfromPos(bomb9) local bomb10pos = getThingfromPos(bomb10) local bomb11pos = getThingfromPos(bomb11) local bomb12pos = getThingfromPos(bomb12) local bomb13pos = getThingfromPos(bomb13) local bomb14pos = getThingfromPos(bomb14) local bomb15pos = getThingfromPos(bomb15) local bomb16pos = getThingfromPos(bomb16) local newpos = {x=1000, y=1200, z=7} local newpos2 = {x=1000, y=1199, z=7} local newpos3 = {x=1000, y=1198, z=7} local newpos4 = {x=1000, y=1197, z=7} local newpos5 = {x=1000, y=1196, z=7} local newpos6 = {x=1000, y=1195, z=7} local newpos7 = {x=1000, y=1194, z=7} local newpos8 = {x=1000, y=1193, z=7} local newpos9 = {x=1000, y=1192, z=7} local newpos10 = {x=1000, y=1191, z=7} local newpos11 = {x=1000, y=1190, z=7} local newpos12 = {x=1000, y=1189, z=7} local newpos13 = {x=1000, y=1188, z=7} local newpos14 = {x=1000, y=1187, z=7} local newpos15 = {x=1000, y=1186, z=7} local newpos16 = {x=1000, y=1185, z=7} -- end otions if(item.actionid == 764) then if isPlayer(cid) == 1 then doTeleportThing(bombpos.uid,newpos) doTeleportThing(bomb2pos.uid,newpos2) doTeleportThing(bomb3pos.uid,newpos3) doTeleportThing(bomb4pos.uid,newpos4) doTeleportThing(bomb5pos.uid,newpos5) doTeleportThing(bomb6pos.uid,newpos6) doTeleportThing(bomb7pos.uid,newpos7) doTeleportThing(bomb8pos.uid,newpos8) doTeleportThing(bomb9pos.uid,newpos9) doTeleportThing(bomb10pos.uid,newpos10) doTeleportThing(bomb11pos.uid,newpos11) doTeleportThing(bomb12pos.uid,newpos12) doTeleportThing(bomb13pos.uid,newpos13) doTeleportThing(bomb14pos.uid,newpos14) doTeleportThing(bomb15pos.uid,newpos15) doTeleportThing(bomb16pos.uid,newpos16) end end return 1 end Teraz Wam Coś Wyjaśnie !. Kod:<movevent event="StepIn" actionid="764" script="magebomb2.lua" /> <movevent event="StepOut" actionid="764" script="magebomb2.lua" /> A teraz potworek którego używa SamDaMan Kod:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <monster name="Mage Bomb" species="human" nameDescription="a mage bomb" race="blood" experience="0" speed="0" manacost="0"> <health now="4200" max="4200"/> <look type="128" head="114" body="114" legs="114" feet="114" addons="0" corpse="3128"/> <targetchange interval="60000" chance="0"/> <strategy attack="100" defense="0"/> <flags> <flag summonable="0"/> <flag attackable="1"/> <flag hostile="1"/> <flag illusionable="0"/> <flag convinceable="0"/> <flag pushable="0"/> <flag canpushitems="1"/> <flag staticattack="30"/> <flag lightlevel="0"/> <flag lightcolor="0"/> <flag targetdistance="1"/> <flag runonhealth="2100"/> </flags> <attacks> <attack name="sudden death" interval="1500" chance="100" min="-300" max="-450"/> </attacks> <defenses armor="40" defense="45"> </defenses> <immunities> <immunity physical="0"/> <immunity energy="0"/> <immunity fire="0"/> <immunity poison="0"/> <immunity lifedrain="0"/> <immunity paralyze="0"/> <immunity outfit="1"/> <immunity drunk="0"/> <immunity invisible="1"/> </immunities> <loot> </loot> </monster> I W Monster.xml Kod:<monster name="Mage Bomb" file="Mage Bomb.xml" /> Ps. Skrypt nie mój!! |